Safety Pin

Dive into our elegant collection of jewellery making safety pins / brooch pins, featuring a small loop for easy attachment of decorative elements. Available in sterling silver, 9ct, and 18ct in yellow, white, and rose gold varieties, these pins are perfect for crafting personalized brooches and decorative accessories. Ideal for both professional jewellers and DIY enthusiasts, our safety pins  / brooch pins blend functionality with aesthetic appeal.

Jewellery Making Safety Pins

Our collection offers the perfect foundation for creating unique brooches and other wearable art. Each pin is designed for ease of use and security, ensuring your creations are both beautiful and functional. Whether you are looking to create a statement piece or a subtle accessory, these pins provide the ideal starting point.

Frequently Asked Questions

A jewellery safety pin, also known as a brooch pin, is a type of fastening device commonly used in jewellery making, especially for creating brooches. It typically features a small loop or area for attaching decorative elements or additional jewellery components.

To use jewellery making safety pins:

  • Attach Decorative Elements: Utilize the small loop on the pin to attach beads, charms, or other decorative items.

  • Secure the Pin: Once your design is attached, use the safety mechanism to open and securely close the pin.

  • Attach to Fabric: The sharp point allows the pin to be easily attached to fabric, such as on a lapel, scarf, or hat, making it ideal for brooch designs.

Attachments that work well with brooch pins include:

  • Charms and Beads: Lightweight charms or beads can be added for decoration.

  • Small Chains or Elements: These can be used to create dangles or more intricate designs.

  • Custom Elements: Create unique designs or motifs to attach to the loop for personalized brooches.